
For our new topic of growing we have been busy watching things grow, consisting of caterpillars and broad beans! At the beginning of the week we planted our own broad beans, the boys learnt about what the beans need to grow successfully and they wrote an entry into their ‘Bean Diary’. Each week we will write a new entry recording what has happened and what we have learned.

Next week we will be learning more about our caterpillars and the metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly.

Within Mathematics we practised our number bonds to 10 and we started to compare these with number bonds to 20.

This week for our weekly maths activity, please practise your number bonds to 10. As an extension practise to 20. The link below can be played on your computer or ipad:


Using the link above please select ‘Number bonds’ (green button). Click on the first category, titled ‘Make 10’. Practise this a few times to see how many number bonds you can find. Don’t forget to check on your fingers! To extend this, progress to making 20. Remember to compare bonds to 20 with bonds to 10 e.g. 4+6=10 and 6+4=10, therefore,  14+6=20 and also 16+4=20.

Another fun game is ‘Aliens pairs to 10’. Play this by clicking the link below



Finding number bonds with a partner using our fingers

On Tuesday the boys took part in a Tetra workshop. They had lots of fun and worked as a team to build triangles and pyramids:

Using the ipads during ‘Explore and Learn’ time

The star boys for next week are as follows:

Tuesday: Charlie

Wednesday: Demi

Thursday: Jai

Friday: Jamie

Have a lovely bank holiday weekend!

Miss Goring and Mrs MacNeill





A warm welcome back!

A warm welcome back to you all! It is lovely to see everyone again.

The boys have quickly settled back into the routines and we have had a wonderful first couple of days back at Lochinver.

We have introduced our new topic of ‘Growing’ and completed some work in relation to this.The boys are looking forward to planting some bean seeds next week, which we will monitor every week.

The new theme for show and tell is ‘Growing’. For this could you please bring a photograph of your son as a baby.

The starboys for next week are as follows:

Monday: Zach

Tuesday: Alex Lee

Wednesday: Alex Sembi

Thursday: Arhan

Friday: Charlie



Have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Goring and Mrs MacNeill