Chinese New Year and Traditional Tales

This week we have been learning about Chinese New Year. The boys enjoyed retelling The Chinese New Year story using masks and music to re-enact the swimming race with the 12 Chinese animals. They also created their own dragons dances using a dragon costume. During Expressive Arts and Design, the boys coloured some wonderful Chinese lanterns.

In RE we also learnt about Lent, we learnt why and how it is celebrated.

This week we started our new topic ‘Traditional Tales’. We listened to the story ‘The Jolly Postman’ and identified the Traditional Tale characters inside the book. Following on from this we wrote letters from Goldilocks to the three bears, similar to the letter inside the The Jolly Postman book. The boys pretended to be Goldilocks apologising for coming into their house and disturbing their things.


In Maths the boys learnt about doubling. The boys used numicon and their fingers to add two of the same number together.



The maths homework activity this week is as follows:

The boys really enjoyed doubling this week. Please use the game below to double numbers. Press the ‘Doubles’ button to start and select ‘Doubles to 10’. If you want to progress further then move onto the next level. Please use your fingers to work out the answers, unless you have already memorised them! For numbers that will total more than 10, put one number in your head and count on with your fingers. Have fun!


Today our new class bear ‘Ramble the Bear’ travelled home with someone. We look forward to hearing about his adventures on Monday.

The starboys for next week are as follows:

Monday: Jake N

Tuesday: Jake O

Wednesday: James

Thursday: Nathaniel

Friday: Rishaan


Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Goring and Miss Barr


Have a lovely half term!

The boys have loved learning about 3D shapes this week. They have been describing shape properties, including the faces, edges and corners of 3D shapes. The boys took part in several shape activities, including sorting shapes, shape hunts, the ‘Feely bag’ shape game and the ‘Telephone shape game’:

In Understanding the World, the boys made some exciting superhero potions that give you ‘super powers’. They were fascinated that water and oil do not mix. They watched the potions bubble as they added an effervescent tablet:


The theme for show and tell after half term is ‘Weather’ Please bring in some interesting facts about your favourite type of weather.

Monday: Andrew

Tuesday: Ayaan

Wednesday: Etem

Thursday: Harry

Friday: Jack

Have a lovely half term!

Miss Goring and Miss Barr





This week in Maths we have been learning about measuring. We have been measuring each other using our hands (non standard measuring). We also measured other items and used the vocabulary of tall/est, short/est, long/est and wide/st.

The boys have also had lots of fun using the weighing scales to weigh different objects. They made predictions as to why they thought items may be the heaviest or lightest and they tested their predictions. There were some surprises, such as the biggest can be the lightest. We looked closely at the shape and materials of the items to make our predictions.

The Maths activity this week is as follows:

Please predict how many ‘hands long’ different members you think your family members will be. Measure different members of your family using your hands. (As shown in the pictures above). Make sure the base of your hand is at the person’s heel. Be careful not to overlap your hands and that your fingers reach the top of their head at the end. Have fun!

In Understanding the world the boys learnt about the sun and we have been spotting our shadows on sunny days.

In Phonics we have been learning Trigraphs (three letters that make one sound). We will be continuing to consolidate all that we have learnt so far.

In Art, the boys created ‘Cityscapes’ making skyscrapers out of newspaper. They even featured Batman’s projected bat light in the night sky!

This week we said farewell to Kenan. We wish him well on his new adventures. The boys had fun at his Goodbye party:

Musical statues



The starboys for next week are as follows:

Monday: Nathaniel

Tuesday: Rishaan

Wednesday: Riyan

Thursday: Seb

Friday: Shayan

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Goring and Miss Barr