
During Maths we revisited looking at coins from 1 pence to £2. The boys enjoyed practising their adding skills by playing money bingo. Each board had combinations of coins, which they rapidly added together to match different price tags. The boys also enjoyed visiting shops where they gave money and received change.They played the roles of customer and shop assistant where they could only use one coin and they worked out the difference between the coin and the price e.g. the item cost 2p but a 10p coin was given. They subtracted 2 from 10 to give the remaining 8p back. When the number was close to 10p, e.g. 7p, they found the difference by counting up. They applied this within their child initiated play too:

The Maths homework activity for this week is an online game. You can select different coins and challenges:

You can select one coin or mixed coins. Under the ‘mixed coins’ tab you can practise giving change.

During Understanding the World we have been observing our caterpillars and broad bean plants. The boys have been amazed by the growth of their beans and it has really captured their interest. They have written excellent entries into their bean diaries. Our caterpillars have made their chrysalides and the arrival of butterflies is imminent…

The theme for show and tell next week is ‘Singing’. Please come with a song ready to sing to your class. The Starboys for next week are:

Monday: Reiss (Baby picture)

Tuesday: Sebastian F (Baby picture)

Wednesday: Sebastian S (Baby picture)

Thursday: Aarnav

Friday: Albert

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Starkey and Miss Barr



2 thoughts on “Money

  1. Nathaniel enjoyed the numbers games, we tried various sections. He was less comfortable with the subtraction/change questions but good at the choosing the coins section.

    • Well done, Nathaniel. I looked like you were having fun in the picture you posted for your learning journal.
      Mrs Starkey 🙂

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