Have a lovely summer!

What a year it’s been! We congratulate RMC for a great year. The boys have come so far and achieved so much this year.

The boys enjoyed our picnic on Wednesday.

We would like to thank you for all your support and for your thoughtful words and generous gifts you have given us. We wish all of you health and happiness for the summer holidays. We look forward to seeing you all when you start Year 1.

Have a wonderful summer!

Mrs Craven and Miss Dowden


Induction Day

On Wednesday, the boys were happy to spend time completing Year 1 activities during their induction visit. The boys are excited to meet their new teachers in September!

During Literacy and PSED, we talked about what we are looking forward to learning when moving to Year 1. We then wrote sentences about our wishes and goals.

In Maths, we continued to look at Money. We went to the shops and bought items using money.

Please take a look at this Toy Shop Money game.


Child initiated play:

Wishing you all a fabulous weekend.

Mrs Craven and Miss Dowden


Sports Day!

The boys showed us their fantastic skills during Sports Day. Well done!

In Maths, we have been learning about money. We have focussed on coin recognition and simple addition with money. Please try this coin recognition game below.


The boys performed well for their concert. We are super proud of them!

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

Mrs Craven and Miss Dowden


Den Making!

In Literacy, we have been working on spelling words with digraphs and trigraphs. Please continue to practise this at home. We have read and written lists of words and used our tricky words in sentences. Thank you for all your support at home with learning to spell tricky words. This week will be our last week of tricky word books at school.

In Maths, we have been learning capacity. The boys were able to identify full, half full and empty using containers and water. At home, you could use mathematical vocabulary to measure the capacity of containers.

During Welly Time, we enjoyed the sunshine by making dens.

Next week is our last week of library books. Please return any books you have at home next Thursday.

Our last Show and Tell next week is:

Monday: Umar

Tuesday: William

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Craven and Miss Dowden


Ark Farm

Reception had an exciting afternoon meeting some new furry friends from Ark Farm. The boys enjoyed stroking Antony the donkey and learned that he sleeps standing up. They also met three sheep with lovely soft wool and were asked to decide which one was the softest. The boys were fascinated by the ducks’ webbed feet, which help them swim. They guessed how many eggs the chickens lay per year and were thrilled to learn it can be 250-300.

Throughout the visit, the boys learned many interesting facts about the animals and carefully followed safety rules. They met two-year-old twin goats, Ronnie and Reggie, and learned about their horns. They also encountered two super soft rabbits, Olive, a Continental Giant and Squirrel, a Netherland Dwarf. Jabali the puppy was a fond favourite and received lots of cuddles!

The boys thoroughly enjoyed their experience meeting all the animals, learning fascinating facts, and understanding how to safely enjoy their company.

In Maths, the boys have been learning about Mass. Please take a look at this game you could play.


For Show and Tell, please sing a song in front of the class. The Show and Tell boys are as follows:

Monday: Rian

Tuesday: Sachin

Wednesday: Sqongweni

Thursday: Sterlin

Friday: Theo

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Craven and Miss Dowden



The boys worked hard this week to write sentences, remembering to include a capital letter, finger space and a full stop. The boys later challenged themselves to build models and label them.

During Understanding the World, the boys enjoyed learning about the season of summer. They participated in some summer activities.

In Welly Time, the boys made some bird feeders.

RMC enjoyed a cooking session with a lovely parent from RKZ this week.

In Maths, we have been looking at odd and even numbers. Have a go at this game below:


For Show and Tell, please sing a song in front of the class. The Show and Tell boys are as follows:

Monday: Hiro

Tuesday: Jayden

Wednesday: Julius

Thursday: Leonardo

Friday: Louis

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Craven and Miss Dowden


Have a lovely half term!

It is hard to believe another half term has flown by and next half term will be the final term in Reception for our boys. The boys have worked incredibly hard this half term and we are very proud of them!

In Literacy, the boys have been busy writing sentences. They included a capital letter, full stop and finger spaces.

In Maths, we have focussed on doubling and halving numbers.

A lovely parent from RMC made fruit pizzas with the boys.

For Show and Tell, please sing a song in front of the class. The Show and Tell boys are as follows:

Monday: Advik

Tuesday: Alexander

Wednesday: Austin

Thursday: Estefan

Friday: Ethan

Have a fantastic half term!

Mrs Craven and Miss Dowden


Mental Health Week

We have celebrated Mental Health Week this week. We talked about the importance of our mental health and discussed ways we could keep our minds healthy.

In Literacy, we listened to a story called, Titch by Pat Hutchins and then wrote sentences about the story.

During Maths, we have been focussing on doubling to 5. The boys challenged themselves by doubling numbers to 10. They did a great job!

For the Maths challenge this week, roll a die and double the numbers. You can also write the maths sentences.

The boys held the chicks this week.


Our trip to Knebworth House was fantastic!


Have a great weekend.

Mrs Craven and Miss Dowden



Reception welcomed little chicks this week! RMC decided to name a few chicks that have hatched. Their names are Eggy, Cutie, Lovely, and Samantha.

During Understanding the World and Literacy, we discussed the life cycle of a chick and wrote down the process.

In Maths we have been counting forwards and backwards to 20, looking at bigger numbers and how they are composed.

Practice this at home counting everyday things and trying to go backwards as well.

A lovely parent from RMC made yummy vegetable rice wraps with the boys.

The boys have recently enjoyed arts and crafts.

The theme for Show and Tell is ‘Growing’. Please bring in a picture of you as a baby. The Show and Tell boys for next week are as follows:

Monday: Advik

Tuesday: Umar

Wednesday: William

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Craven and Miss Dowden





The Hungry Caterpillar

During Literacy, the boys listened to the story, The very hungry caterpillar by Eric Carle. We discussed the main events in the story and ordered the story in our booklet.

In Maths, the boys have been learning to count forwards and backwards within 20, and recognise 1 more and 1 less of a given number.

For the Math challenge this week, have a go at a 1 more and 1 less game. 


During Understanding the World, we talked about the changes that happen when we grow and completed a ‘growing’ sheet.

The boys enjoyed a visit from Mr Patel, who is a dentist. He explained the importance of looking after our teeth. He also demonstrated how to brush our teeth and we discussed foods that are healthy and unhealthy.

Lovely parents from RMC and RKZ, decorated biscuits with the boys this week!

In Welly Time, we explored the natural environment and used lopers.

The theme for Show and Tell is ‘Growing’. Please bring in a picture of you as a baby. The Show and Tell boys for next week are as follows:

Monday: Bank Holiday

Tuesday: Sachin

Wednesday: Sqongweni

Thursday: Sterlin

Friday: Theo

Have a restful bank holiday weekend.

Mrs Craven and Miss Dowden