During Literacy, the boys listened to the story, The very hungry caterpillar by Eric Carle. We discussed the main events in the story and ordered the story in our booklet.
In Maths, the boys have been learning to count forwards and backwards within 20, and recognise 1 more and 1 less of a given number.

For the Math challenge this week, have a go at a 1 more and 1 less game.
During Understanding the World, we talked about the changes that happen when we grow and completed a ‘growing’ sheet.
The boys enjoyed a visit from Mr Patel, who is a dentist. He explained the importance of looking after our teeth. He also demonstrated how to brush our teeth and we discussed foods that are healthy and unhealthy.
Lovely parents from RMC and RKZ, decorated biscuits with the boys this week!
In Welly Time, we explored the natural environment and used lopers.

The theme for Show and Tell is ‘Growing’. Please bring in a picture of you as a baby. The Show and Tell boys for next week are as follows:
Monday: Bank Holiday
Tuesday: Sachin
Wednesday: Sqongweni
Thursday: Sterlin
Friday: Theo
Have a restful bank holiday weekend.
Mrs Craven and Miss Dowden