
We have started our new topic of Growing, which the boys are very excited by. The boys planted their own broad bean seeds. We learnt about the life cycle of a bean, and what a bean needs to grow. The boys followed the steps to plant their beans really well. They carefully placed the soil in the cup, made a hole, dropped the bean in, and covered the bean with soil. The boys are patiently waiting for their beans to grow. We also wrote our first entry into our bean diaries.

During Literacy we listened to the story, ‘Jasper’s Beanstalk’. The boys retold the story and their fantastic work is up on display in the classroom.

The boys really enjoyed PE this week, playing lots of games in order to develop their physical skills.

During Art, the boys looked at various flowers such as, daffodils, tulips and roses and drew their own variety of flowers using colouring pencils. RY class produced some fantastic drawings!

During Maths, we have we have been learning our number bonds to 10 and 20!


For the Maths activity this week, can you please look at this song and practice your number bonds. To extend this further, you can compare this to 20 by looking at the ‘ones’ in the number e.g. 4+6=10 and 14+6=20.

For Show and Tell this week, please can you bring in a photo of you as a baby.

The Show and Tell boys this week are as follows:

Monday: Bank Holiday

Tuesday: Zakariya

Wednesday: Rian

Thursday: Abbas

Friday: Adam

The challenge is: Line up smartly and quietly with your hands by your side.

Have a lovely bank holiday weekend!

Miss Yiacoulas and Mrs Aldridge


Welcome Back!

A warm welcome back, we hope you all had a relaxing and joyous Easter holiday.

The boys have had a happy first two days back at school. We listened to each other when talking about our Easter holidays and we wrote our news in our news books.

We have started our new topic of ‘Growing’. The boys have been enjoying using the new Garden Centre role-play area:

The boys also enjoyed playing outside in the sunshine. They particularly enjoyed digging, to find mini beasts and treasure. We found our very own mini beast in the garden!

For Show and Tell, we are continuing with traditional tales. Please think of three clues about your chosen traditional tale. We are going to try and guess the story you are describing. Show and Tell boys next week are as follows:

Monday: Jack

Tuesday: Luke

Wednesday: Mark

Thursday: Rhys

Friday: Zachary

The challenge for next week is: Check your drawers at home time.

We hope you have a restful first weekend of this new term!

Miss Yiacoulas and Mrs Aldridge