Summer 1: W/B: 25.4.16

It has been a busy first full week back! We continue to be impressed with the boys ongoing motivation and dedication towards school life.

In Maths this week we have focused on the addition Number Bonds to 10 and some to 20. The boys did very well with this. We have learnt the number bonds to 10 song below, which has also aided learning our number bonds to 20.

In relation to our new topic of Growing, during Literacy we read the story of Jasper’s Beanstalk and the boys retold this story in their writing. In our phonics lessons, we continue to revisit all the letter sounds we have learnt so far. This week we also learnt the ‘oy’ digraph in class.

In Understanding the World we planted our own bean seeds. We wrote about the planting process in our own ‘Bean Diaries’. We will continue to monitor the beans and write a weekly entry into these diaries. We are looking forward to seeing them germinate.

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The theme for show and tell is ‘Growing’. Please bring in a photograph of you as a baby for this.

The starboys are as follows:

Monday: Bank Holiday

Tuesday: Francesco

Wednesday: Gautam

Thursday: Harry

Friday: Ishan

Have a super bank holiday weekend!

Reception Oak


Welcome back!

A warm welcome back to you all. We hope you had a restful and fun- filled Easter break. It has been lovely to see all of the boys again.

The boys have settled back into our school routines very well. We have revisited phonics and number work covered last term.

On Thursday we attended a whole school assembly and we learnt about our collection of space seeds. We are looking forward to watching their progress. Also on Thursday the boys were very excited that it was the Queen’s Birthday. We watched some of her walkabout and further information.

Here are some other things we got up to this week:


In the role-play area


Show and Tell as a Billy Goat Gruff


Telling jokes to our peers


Writing stories during our child initiated learning time



The theme for show and tell next week is ‘Growing’.

Monday: Zachary

Tuesday: Zain

Wednesday: Aarav

Thursday: Arjun

Friday: Babaseyi


Have a lovely weekend.

Reception Oak