Happy Easter!

During Understanding the World, the boys have enjoyed learning about Spring and all the seasonal changes that happen at this time of year. The boys drew lovely pictures and wrote captions of all the signs of Spring.

In Maths, we have continued to look at repeating patterns.

We enjoyed doing some Arts and Crafts.

After Easter our topic will be ‘growing’. For Show and Tell, please bring in a picture of you as a baby.

Monday-Wednesday: Easter holidays

Thursday: Aleksei

Friday: Aryan

Thank you very much for our wonderful gifts. We hope you have a well deserved restful and happy Easter. See you in the Summer term!

Miss Yiacoulas and Mrs Aldridge



Easter Egg Hunt

During Literacy, we read the Traditional Tale, ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. We discussed the characters, setting, problems and solutions that happened in the story. The boys were very good at retelling the key events in the story and were able to write some sentences.

During Maths this week we have been looking at making patterns with shapes.

Please draw your own 3 part repeated shape pattern.

E.g. triangle, square, circle, triangle, square, circle

or red triangle, blue triangle, square, red triangle, blue triangle, square

This week the boys had a workshop from Zoolab. The boys were taught some interesting facts about various animals. The boys had the opportunity to stroke and hold an African snail, an Australian tree frog called Barbara and a snake to name a few. We have very brave boys in RY class!

The boys absolutely loved the Easter Egg Hunt.

Lovely parents from RY and RG taught the boys about Russian Easter traditions.

We have reached the end of Show and Tell this term.

We wish you a wonderful weekend.

Miss Yiacoulas and Mrs Aldridge


Class Assembly

During Literacy, we read the Traditional Tale, ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’. We discussed the characters, setting, problems and solutions that happened in the story. The boys were very good at retelling the key events in the story and wrote some sentences. Some of the boys also worked together to create their own Billy Goats Gruff story using the resources available.

This week in Maths, we have been learning our number bonds to 10. 

Click on the link below to practise number bonds for 10:


We are so incredibly proud of the boys for performing their assembly so confidently. Well done, RY Class!


During Understanding the World, the boys experimented with objects to find out if the objects would sink or float. The boys made predictions and explained their predictions articulately.

A lovely parent from RG played the violin for RY. She is a true talent who has inspired the boys to play the violin.

For Show and Tell, please bring in a picture of your favourite weather. Can you research and share three facts about your chosen weather?

The Show and Tell boys for next week are as follows:

Monday: Noah

Tuesday: Sebastian

Wednesday: Teddy

Thursday: Vinal

Friday: William and Xander

We hope you have a lovely weekend.

Miss Yiacoulas and Mrs Aldridge




World Book Day!

This week we celebrated World Book Day. The boys had lots of fun being dressed up as Traditional Tale characters. Here are their fabulous costumes:

In Maths, we have been focusing on number bonds to 4, 5 and 6. We have been using a part- whole model to identify the different number bonds.

For the Maths activity this week, use this game to help you find all the different ways to make 4, 5 and 6:


Can you record the different ways in a number bond diagram?

During Literacy, we read the Traditional Tale, Jack and the Beanstalk. We created our own story map by discussing the characters, setting, problems and solutions that happened in the story. The boys were very good at retelling the key events in the story.
The fabulous author Clare Luther talked to the boys about using their imagination to write stories. She encouraged the boys to include a beginning, middle and end when structuring their stories. Clare Luther read the story, ‘Olive’ which is about a sausage dog going to a pet hotel for the first time. The boys discussed different emotions and feelings as well as thinking of people they can turn to for support. Clare Luther’s workshop was truly wonderful!
The boys had the opportunity to cook with parents from RG this week.
In Art, RY class enjoyed exploring mixing coloured paints. The boys made green, purple and orange.

For Show and Tell, please bring in a picture of your favourite weather. Can you research and share three facts about your chosen weather?

The Show and Tell boys for next week are as follows:

Monday: Joshan

Tuesday: Kaan

Wednesday: Kerem

Thursday: Lysander

Friday: Niall

We hope you have a restful weekend.

Miss Yiacoulas and Mrs Aldridge