Welcome back!

It had been lovely to see the boys come back raring to go again.

We started our week with a fantastic session with Mr Hopwood talking about online safety and different types of technology. The boys listened to an engaging story teaching them valuable lessons:

‘Been There Done It’ has been celebrated this week. The boys have produced such creative scrapbooks full of memories- something to fondly look back on.

Our new topic of ‘Traditional Tales’ has been introduced this week. The boys loved listening to the story ‘The Jolly Postman’. Their new role play area has changed into the The Jolly Postman’s post office. The boys have been busy posting letters, parcels, buying stamps and dressing up as the characters from the story.

During Literacy, the boys wrote apology letters from Goldilocks to the Three Bears inspired by Goldilocks’ letter in The Jolly Postman story.

The Maths homework activity this week is as follows:

The boys really enjoyed doubling this week. Please use the link for games below to double numbers. Press the ‘Doubles’ button to start and select ‘Doubles to 10’. If you want to progress further then move onto the next level. Please use your fingers to work out the answers, unless you have already memorised them! For numbers that will total more than 10, put one number in your head and count on with your fingers. Have fun!



The starboys for next week are as follows:

Monday: Kiaan

Tuesday: Nathaniel

Wednesday: Noah

Thursday: Reiss

Friday: Sebastian F

The challenge for next week is: Say please and thank you.

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Goring and Miss Barr

5 thoughts on “Welcome back!

  1. Blake really enjoyed playing the Push The Button game! He was a bit frustrated at the beginning as felt the pressure being timed but was satisfied and pleased with himself at the end.

  2. Nathaniel was quite comfortable with up to 10 doubling. He did find the up to 15 a little more trickier but he gave it a good go!

  3. We love the website homework! Harvey asked to play it a few times and got faster and could recall the larger numbers as easily as the smaller ones by the end of playing.

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