Houses and Homes

For our topic, ‘House and Homes’ the boys learnt about the materials our houses are built out of and looked at different houses from around the world such as, Kenya, Switzerland, and Australia. They enjoyed building their own houses out of bricks, straw, and wood.

In Phonics, the boys learnt the sounds ‘g’, ‘o’ and ‘u’. They thought of words beginning with both sounds and practised blending with these sounds too!

During Maths, the boys were learning to use language related to time and sequence events. They sequenced how they wash their hands, their weekend day and months of the year through songs. We also discussed day and night routines.

For the Math’s activity, please can you draw a picture of something you do in the morning and something you do in the evening? I would like to challenge you by labelling your drawing using your phonic knowledge. You are welcome to bring in your pictures and show us!

For Art, we made fruit caterpillars and we made fireworks using different coloured paints and glitter.


During Welly time, the boys put on their puddle suits for the first time as it has been rather wet recently!

The theme for Show and Tell is ‘Houses and Homes’. Please bring in a picture of your favourite space in your home. The ‘Show and Tell’ are as follows:

Monday: Edward

Tuesday: Finn

Wednesday: Gabriel

Thursday: George

Friday: Harry

Our weekly challenge is: Sit smartly on your chair and tuck it under the table. 

Have a great weekend!

Miss Yiacoulas and Mrs Aldridge



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